[H] Group of returning and noob players LFM

We are 8 IRL friends who just started Grob Horde and are in our level 30’s. Half of us experienced with other 60’s, half complete noobs. We have 2 tanks, 2 healers and 4 DPS. Tanks and Healers also have DPS specs they run. We mostly run weekends, but some of the diehards are on most all nights looking for things to run. Our goal is to be early to TBC, rather than stressing about being late for Classic.

Look us up if we can run stuff together. However, please note we are old and most have families and demanding day jobs with the majority as software developers and engineers. Thus, we aren’t the fastest levelers due to IRL constraints. We are estimating hitting 60 in Q1 2021 some sooner. If you think you are a good fit for us, please shoot me a battletag message or reply and I will get back to you.

Battlenet ID: Bash#11588

Hey there!

If you haven’t found a solid TBC group yet, I might have something you could be interested in.

My friend and I have just started forming our guild for TBC. We currently have 5 people committed to building it.

We obviously have a long journey ahead of us, but if you are and your buddies are interested in helping to form a community for TBC then be sure to hit me up!

My discord is: SuperCooper#6975

kudos WB :smiley: