[H] Group of 8 LF raiding guild

We are a group of eight coming from being dedicated classic players into the retail life. So far we’ve just been pugging. Most of us are at least 6/10H. We prefer to stay together even if that means joining a newer guild that is not as far.

As far as raid times we are pretty flexible preferring non friday week days.

Current Classes:
DH Tank
Lock x 2

You can hit me up in game: The1ULost2#1878 or on discord: The1ULost2#0900

what days a week you trying to raid. I currently run a tue /thur raid but would love to get a second going and you already have a chunk of the classes

as far as days it doesn’t matter as much as long as it isn’t friday but most of us prefer to not be weekend.

Yo I trying to hit you up on disc KOE#3613

Hey there!
I’m one of the officers in Swift. We are currently progressing through H Castle Nathria and looking to add some members to the roster. We are 3/10 Heroic and raid 8pm-11pm server (CST) Tuesday and Wednesday. I did go ahead and add you on battle.net (SparkledMoon#1939) so if you have any questions I’m on frequently.