Sadly our current guild has thrown in the towel, so we find ourselves looking for a new place to raid. We are dedicated raiders looking for preferably similar raid times our current raids where weds/thursday 9pm EST.
Fury prot war OT, Warlock both have tanked twin emps. Hunter, Resto shaman, and myself my main is a Bear tank but I am willing to play my priest or hunter for the team to find a new home. PM me here if this sounds like a good fit for your raid team.
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Hello Meskie!
Would love to chat with you more about joining Wrecked! The only key difference from your post is we raid Tues/Weds 6:00-9:00pm PST!
Here is a link to our guild recruitment: [H]-Whitemane-<Wrecked> Open for all classes for Naxx farm - LF TBC Players - #26 by Avantii-whisperwind
You can contact us via Discord Avanti#2703 looking forward to chatting with you soon!
Pm me when you’re around Broly#2307
So we just lost a group of raiders to retail and your team fits perfectly. (we lost both our warlock tanks for emps)
[H] Skeram
Wed/Thurs 8pm-12am
Laid back guild with blind bid DKP system. (Will reset to 0 when naxx is released)
AQ40 1hr 30 min clear. BWL sub 1 hour.
We dont run MC or any 20 mans anymore.
Contact me on discord if you’d like to chat. EnvyExile#5166
Hey mate,
I run Nerds of Prey on Mankrik. You would fit our raid team pretty well if you wanted to check us out. We’re currenty 6/9 AQ40 with C’thun down to 36% in phase 2. We clear BWL in about 1.5 hours - we’re a little more laid back and casual now.
Raid times are Wednesday 10pm-midnight and Saturdays 10pm-1am (Eastern Times)
Hit me up on Discord if you’d like to chat more: kazenokami#4490
Hihi Meskie! 
I’m with Grievance (Horde) and we’re on the Mankrik server. We have 2 raid teams – one runs Tue/Thurs and the other Wed/Fri. Both teams are at least 7/9 (C’thun down), with our Tue/Thurs team just downing Ouro. We are able to guarantee raid spots for all of you on our Wed/Fri team from 8-11pm EST.
Please feel free to contact me on Discord at Demondancer#4826 if you are interested! 
hey there man if you guys are interested in a tuesday(8pm) and sunday (8pm) raiding guild shoot me a message on disc Kenshu#0628
if your still looking reach out to me on discord
Hey Meskie and friends-
If you guys are still looking for a new home, I’d love to talk to you. Shoot me a DM on discord. Take care!
Hit me up Marguul#1464 ! Unique guild, unique server in huge need of new blood
have you guys found a home yet?
hit me up on discord Namelus#1617
I’d love to talk if you haven’t =D
Hey Meskie,
I would love to connect with you about a raiding opportunity with < Ride or Die >. Please hit me up on discord if you haven’t found a home already.
I look forward to connecting with you!
Good morning! My name is Buttons, I’m the GM of Undecided. We’ve had a bit of attrition to retail and the holidays, and would be able to accommodate your group. Undecided has been raiding together since wow classic launched. We are a guild for the working professional, in that we push for efficiency with raid time while still being a relaxed atmosphere.
We were 8/9 in AQ40, and just had our first night of attempts on Anub last night, sadly with only 33 in the raid. Our core is strong, we just need an influx of raiders to put us back to 40 on raid nights.
We raid Thurs/Sun 8:30 PM - 11:00 PM EST, and we occasionally push to 11:30 if we think we’re gonna down a new boss in that time.
I’d love to have a chat with you, please reach out to me on (Nein#1144) or Discord (Nein#9089). Looking forward to hearing from you.
Hey Man! I’m the GM of < Modest > on Whitemane (5:30PST | Tuesday & Wednesday.
Were a semi-hardcore guild that is 4/15 Naxxramas currently and ended the tiers with 55Min AQ40 & 37Min BWL runs. We consist of a core group of players that love to be competitive with our goals but realistic with our lives. Our members’ experience spans across the sweatiest classic raiding, retail cutting edges, multi-time gladiators, as well as some newer players to the game. We’re semi-hardcore, meaning our goal is to be efficient in-game, since the majority of us are young professionals that have other obligations outside of the game. We’re all understanding if real life happens – that always has priority over a game to us.
Feel free to reach out to me at Alez on Whitemane or my (Discord: Alez#4828)
Hope to hear from you soon!
Hey boss,
I am an officer from <Cylance> on Mankrik (US East PvE). We could use the people as the attrition of people leaving is a very real thing. We raid Friday/Saturday 8-11pm EST. We also do farm content on weekdays at the same times.
This past weekend we went into Naxx for the first time. With a group of your size joining our guild it would really help us with filling our raids every week. We use Loot council for our looting and are looking for people that can regularly raid on Friday and Saturday evenings.
We are a laid back group of basically dads that have been together since Classic launched. If any of this sounds like something you would be interested in or you have further questions please PM me on discord at SabreStorm#6506.
Server Atiesh. Raid times 8:30-12 your time. Tues + Wednesday. Need raiders for Naxx Progression!