[H] Group of 4 LFG to Raid in SL

So little backstory we are a group of 4 returning to WOW after a break from raiding since WOD some of us still played on and off through Legion and BFA but no real raiding and most of us have been playing WOW since BC. We were pretty hardcore raiders during WOD and cleared everything in Blackrock Foundry up to Mythic Iron Maidens when are guild sadly broke up and most of us decided to step away from raiding. We decided to return to raiding for SL though and are looking for a guild to call home. Preferably we are looking for a guild that plans on doing Mythic raiding and we are more then willing to fight for our spots in raids since we understand they have to be earned we don’t expect for them to be given to us. We are min-maxers and are always reading up and trying to improve in our respective classes as well as always coming fully prepared for raid with whatever we need including watching any guide we need to when preparing for a new boss in raids.

As for classes and days we are looking to raid currently classes we are planning to main in SL are Hunter/Mage, Monk/Pally(Dps or Tank), Unholy DK/Shadow Priest and Mage/Resto Druid. Preferably days we are looking to raid are Mon, Tues, Thurs and Friday 9-12am (EST). For the most part we want to raid 2 days a week but are willing to do 3 when we need to push new content as we understand more days might be needed to down certain bosses. I just want to emphasize again we are more then willing to earn our spots as we know spots will be limited and we aren’t afraid to compete for them. We are willing to fill out apps as well as hop on Discord for whoever wants to talk to us you can contact me on Discord Tarnius#7241. Looking forward to hearing from you guys.

I don’t see the BNET account but I added you on discord.
Here is my bnet just in case though.


Got a CE group that could use your group