[H] [Grobbulus] Guild Check In (Looking for Allies)

Thundering Hammer Clan is bringing our 15 years of raid and PvP experience to Grobbulus. Since Molten Core we have hosted the longest running raid on our server and directed the old school PvP system on FM that crowned 2/3 of the server’s High Warlords through WSG and AB. Half of the original charter members of our guild are still active members of our community and we have a host of Vanilla era players both in guild and in our current raid who are interested in spending time in Classic making the Alliance daily regret their decision to roll on Grob.

We are looking for folks who want to work together to accelerate and advance Horde success on Grobbulus (ABSOLUTE UNIT SERVER) in both PvP and PvE. To be frank, we are not looking to spend the same time we did in 2005 on Classic (people have kids and careers now, ya’ll) but we are willing to lend manpower, extensive experience and leadership assistance to folks who want drive Horde dominance on our server.

Obviously we’re all going to be spending the first weeks leveling, but once we find our way to 60 it will be imperative that as a faction we work together to get people keyed and attuned and to get that first wave of fire resist gear crafted. Working together to make those Scholo, Strat and UBRS runs happen will not just make your and my guild more successful, it will make the entire Horde stronger.

Likewise organizing and properly managing the old Honor system once WSG opens up while working to minimize the intra-faction competition that the brutal old honor system fostered can help us more quickly gear the maximum number of fighters to punish the Alliance with. That epic Warlord gear was fantastic in PvP AND was very useful in MC. Getting it into the hands of as many people as we can will greatly benefit the entire faction.

If you’re playing Horde on Grob and this sort of thing sounds interesting to you, check in and let’s get connected.


I’ll probably play a tauren shammy in Grob. I am a rather casual player though.


Casual is cool. It’s all about the quality of the person behind the keyboard. One of the reasons that our guild has been consistent and survived for fifteen years is that we emphasize finding good people. WoW can instill some pretty nasty habits that people would never do face to face. We actively push back against those habits. Not everyone has the time to make the push for HW, but we can assist those that are.



seems to be one of the more organized on the horde side. Ya’ll looking for anything particular for the long run?

Do you mean in terms of character class? Right now I’m cautious about making a call on exactly what we have on hand because experience tells me that three weeks after launch the roster will look different than it does today. I CAN tell you however from Vanilla experience that there were never enough healers on Horde, particularly Holy priests.

The typical MC Horde raid in Classic took 10 warriors and 5 priests, 2 of those warriors would be fully kitted main tanks, 3 would be switch hitters who can off tank / dps, the other 5 would typically be heavy hitters preferring Fury though one or two arms usually snuck their way in.

Most raids ran with 7-9 healers depending on how good their folks were at self mitigation and of those typically 4 were Holy priests.

Shaman were sprinkled in liberally and were brought almost entirely for their totems. As such you’d often have 5-6 Shaman, one in each group with a focus on having Mana tide in the healer group and windfury in both melee groups.

Primary ranged DPS went to mages with Warlock support and maybe one shadow priest. 2 (maybe 3) hunters would be brought to help manage distance pulls (especially the fights in the Garr cave).

In BGs our High Warlord crowning preform group would typically take two priests and two warriors (usually Arms) into WSG and fill in the rest of the spots with mostly mages, hunters and warlocks and our secret weapon.

Which is to say if you’re looking to be super useful in Classic you could do a lot worse than a Fury/Arms warrior or a Holy priest. There’s more room for those two things at end game than any other single class. If you’re more of a ranged type the 2 minute mage and frost mage builds were usually accepted everywhere as well.

Things that raids and groups often wind up NOT needing more of in Vanilla are Hunters, Druids and Rogues.

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This is the truth. Was looking for a successful guild to move to for BfA. Thundering Hammer Clan came up with rave reviews. They let me tag along until I proved my mettle. My time with THC has been the best I have experienced on Azeroth. Dedicated, loyal players that are into the lore and are true to the Horde Life. Join us in guild or as partners in ridding our world of the Alliance scum.


I can’t say enough good things about the Thundering Hammer Clan, and I honestly can’t wait to see what we’ll get up to in Classic. Additionally, I’m very much looking forward to using Grobbulus as a kind of RP Alternate Universe, where all of the characters and stories that we’ve been developing since release get turned on their heads and allowed to grow in new directions. Really exciting!


Lookin’ forward to bein’ peeps’ pocket-heals on a Troll Priest. Bwonsamdi needs more souls.


I have a great deal of nostalgia over playing this girl through Vanilla to the present day. The last few expansions have actually seen me on a healing class and knowing how desperately hard it was to find a Holy Priest last go around, I believe I’ll be rolling an alt-universe version of my priest. Hang out with us. You’d be hard pressed to find a friendlier group to level with and get things done.

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I would love to join you guys! Ill be looking for you guys in game. I think i have been convinced to become a blood thursty orc warrior, whom is furious. Excited yall will be on grobbulous


I’ll be there with mage grub for all.

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This guild is FULL of great people whom I have enjoyed playing this game with for a long time now, you’ll be glad you get to know them…so come join us in battle… and everything else. ( I just focus on the battle part…lol )

 I'm looking forward to meeting new allies and bathing in the blood of the Alliance ( especially < Hurricane> and their allies ), they have yet to see the wrath of the Horde, come join us and bathe in the tears of our enemy.

My wife and I both are looking for a new guild for classic.
We’re both people who played since classic/tbc. We have daddled on and off ever since, came back for every new expansion etc, but are SUPER excited for classic.
Any chance we can somehow get in touch? :smiley:

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We’ll be seeing you on the other side of the Streets :wink:

Hey there, I am looking to test the waters on a RP realm for the first time.

I’ve been playing on and off since Vanilla. I have raid experience in Vanilla and every xpack (very light Cata and MoP). Looking to jump back into Classic, But I am no longer that teenager with all the time in the world, I can raid 1 or 2 Nights a week from 7-11 PM EST excluding Fridays. Can play most nights but may be dragged away from PC on non raid nights after they have been established.

Spent a lot of time PVPing back in the day but never bothered to learn the honor system so didn’t get very far. But it is something I would be very much interested in.

Currently unsure what class I am going to be rolling, Leaning Warrior or Priest, Maybe Mage but I feel they will be over populated.

Feel free to Message me on Discord @ Geko#4203 if at all interested.

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TL/DR: Please let me join your guild- I want to PvP the Alliance on Grobbulus into oblivion.

Hello Thundering Hammer Clan. I believe you may be the perfect guild for me. I’m looking to focus primarily PvP and want to ensure Horde is feared on Grobbulus. However, if the group needs someone to fill in for a raid or someone needs help with a quest I’ll definitely take time out to help.

I played from beta all the way through Legion. mostly Hunter, but dabbled in everything. I’m mostly comfortable with melee classes, but one of my most successful playthroughs was Restoshaman (Raiding; not PvP). This time around, I’m wanting to try Elemental shaman, but will have both hunter and warrior alts.

Before cross-realm was implemented, I made it up to ‘Lieutenant General’ on my server and my hunter was absolutely despised by the Alliance PvPers: I would name my pets after the players I decided to target and more then one used an alt-account to create a horde character just to cuss me out- all in good humored fun (for the most part). The first time around I was just having fun, this time around I plan on focusing more on research, min/max, and strategy to up my game.

One concern I have is how much time I will be able to dedicate- as you mentioned: “people have kids and careers now, ya’ll.” We’ll see how it goes, but I’m very much looking forward to PvPing again in classic.

This is what sold me on your guild “…want to work together to accelerate and advance Horde success on Grobbulus.” I hope to be a part of that.

Thank you for reading.

p.s. I have already created a character on Grobbulus: Chills.


I can’t say enough good things about Thundering Hammer Clan.

I’ve been with the guild for many years, and you will never find a more AWESOME group of people. They are true staples of the original Horde community on FM, and have carried that mission faithfully throughout the decade and a half it’s been in existence. It’s not just a guild, but a community. One that is dedicated to elevating the Horde in server dominance (as it should be!).

Determined. Driven. Helpful. HORDECORE! Whatever your flavor: PvP, RP, PvE - the guild is a community of fantastic people who have your back, always.

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@Muffin-gurubashi @Chills-steamwheedle-cartel
Check out our recruitment post on our website for more info:

thunderinghammer dot com /wp/blog/2019/08/20/joining-the-thundering-hammer/

We’d love to spend time with you and get you on board with our crazy crew.

<3 you so much! Can’t wait to hit old school Warsong with the twins!

Hello! I’ve left a message on your website’s recruitment page as well as requested friends with Malkavet on Bnet. My wife and I are looking for a guild exactly as you described!

We look forward to hearing from you and bloodying our blades against the Alliance!


I will look you up as well, looking forward to classic for years
cya soon