About Us:
Formed with the sole purpose of having a good time in the classic world of Azeroth and Outlands. Grayskull has been apart of the Mankrik community since day one. You don’t have to be a try-hard but we do ask that you’re able to perform simple mechanics and come to raid prepared.
Raid Info:
Looking For:
- 1 Holy Paladin
- 1 Shadow Priest
Who we’re looking for:
- Like minded gamers (If the guild name intrigued you, you’re probably someone we’re looking for)
- Someone who has a sense of humor. Unfortunately the line to HR has been disconnected.
- Someone who plays a game to actually have fun… squares need not apply.
We look forward to having you on the team. Any questions or comments you can reach out to me on discord (Jibb#9484) or an officer in game. By the power of Grayskull!
Grayskull officers: Jibb, Nomak, Xani, Ashtian, Nostiluca, and Snackhabits
*Updated as of 11/10
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Still looking for a few Holy/Disc priests. T2/Eye of Divinity rotting weekly.
What classes are you currently looking for? I have a MC/BWL geared Rogue, MC/BWL geared warlock, and come with a friend of mine that is a BWL/MC geared resto shaman.
How’d the AQ bug grind affect your guys?
Need some bodies to fill the last few spots for BWL/MC farm and AQ40 progression! RDruid HPriest, FWar would be great as well. In AQ40 progression. 5/9 first week, aiming for Emps and C’thun with week with one-night AQ40 clears in a few weeks. Progress and grow with a fun group focused on fun while clearing over pure speed!
Do you guys still need resto druids? Your guys schedule could work better for me. If you do, dm me. My discord is Zarka#2788
Are you that guild with the guy that always sits on the rock? 9/9 AQ, 10/10 rock sitting. Wow!
Hey if you need a Holy Priest, I’d be interested in speaking with you!
Strange Things are Afoot at the Circle K
I would like to speak with a officer if you are still looking for heals? Not a shammy but interested in moving forwards in raiding.
My discord is Zambie#4682 I look forward to hearing from you.
Me, I always tell the truth, even when I lie! So, say good night to the bad guy!