Hello KJ,
I hope we are all enjoying Shadowlands and so on. As far as PvP goes we are all loving it here at “GoA”. We are planning to finally start some guild Tourneys in which we would like to offer a different type of Tourney or Event each week. The population of the guild is growing very rapid as we have RBG’s that are scheduled and unscheduled on a daily basis. We run a lot of low to mid CR to help our guildies push rating and or just casually cap their ranked honor vault in just a matter of a few hrs we have been able to get people 4-7k ranked honor so that they may be able to upgrade the gear they have and so on. Which is one thing I would like to talk about.
As a whole the guild continues to strive and be very open in helping one another including class - spec coaching and a ton of info on Shadowlands PvP as a whole. As you know “GoA” is strictly a (PURE PVP) guild and we want to offer as many perks to our players as we can. Such as guild repairs, free member Enchants and so on. We want to make quality PvP players in a relaxed atmosphere with the none elitist attitudes.
So, if you are really wanting to get serious with PvP or if you want to just casually do guild BG’s and so on we also offer that and we usually use discord for guild events no matter what it may be. What better way than to get to know your guildies and helping them improve while in voice and so on.
So, coming within the next week or so the Tourneys will begin. As we continue to grow with around 50 + active PvPers on at peak times with a little over 300 toons within the guild. Again, we have lots of PvP events coming up here are a few examples of the of the events planned.
Arena Tourney
Escape from Old Nagrand (Outlands Event)
Gurubashi FFA Event
Guild Wargames
And so much more coming up within the next week or so.
So if any of this intrest you and you are an avid PvP player who just loves nothing but PvP as a whole then we are here to help you get what you need.
Stay tuned, as we continue to add more and more to the guild as we continue to grow at a very fast paced rate.
Feel free to contact me via Bnet: Dreadious#1236 / In Game name (Darkleonious)
If (PURE PVP) is what you want then we got just the fix for you. Have a great day and I hope you all continue to be a great server from all of us here at "GoA"
Guild Community Link: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/invite/vPjLdxEuwjO?region=US&faction=Horde