Thanks for taking the time to check us out! Please read below for information about FS.
Who we are:
(FS) or (Full Send) is a semi-hardcore/midcore parsing guild that values self performance. We prefer to recruit quality over quantity. FS’ members are comprised of members and officers that have experience in Vanilla raiding (Original and new Classic) and extensive experience in top 100 US retail mythic raiding. Our leadership team strives to operate our guild through fairness, effective communication, preparation and organization.
Our players are mature, driven, competitive, and always looking to improve themselves and their fellow raiders. We strive to communicate our goals with each other in a collaborative and professional atmosphere. Our players are also open to criticism, both received and given, and you must be able to do both. All raid spots are competitive. The better you perform the better the team performs, so we expect 100% from you every raid night.
Current Progression:
All P1 WotLK Content on Farm since Week 1
What (FS) looks for in a member:
Players excited about WotLK Raiding, who:
- Are in this for the entirety of the WotLK Expansion and Beyond.
- Value community and social interaction.
- Know their way around Discord or are willing to learn.
- Can commit to our raid times and make them consistently.
- Come to raid prepared to maximize their play with potions, food, flasks, and other consumables.
- Are passionate, mature, constructive and patient.
- Have a willingness to work collaboratively to improve themselves and others around them.
What players can expect from (FS):
- A diverse, vibrant, growing community of players
- A constructive raid environment
- A mature, professional guild environment
- Leadership with years of progression-oriented experience
Raid Schedule:
Tuesdays and Wednesdays 8:00PM to 12:00AM EST (5:00PM to 9:00PM PST)*
We also reserve Thursdays for extended content such as the launch of a raid tier or progression
Everyones favorite topic. FS uses a dual loot system. Tier pieces are loot counciled and we use DKP for any other loot.
Recruitment Needs:
*All Current Roster Recruits need to be in at least a Majority PreBiS P1 Raid Gear with preference given to people geared in at least current 10 man loot. We currently have a few spots to fill. If you can’t commit to full time raiding for our schedule, we are always seeking skilled bench players. If your life changes, and you can commit, you can compete for a full time raid spot.
Spellhance Shaman (HIGH)
Unholy DK (HIGH)
Feral Druid (HIGH)
Hunter (HIGH)
Affliction Lock (HIGH)
Shadow Priest (HIGH)
Any Exceptional Players will be considered as raid spots are based on performance, being raid ready with consumes, attitude, and attendance.
If you are interested you can message us on the following:
Madcuzbad#1933 (Officer/Recruiter)
Tayy#11756 (GM)
RektSquad#11683 (Co-GM)
Vanish#1735 (Healing Officer)
Madcuzbad#7986 (Officer/Recruiter)
Tayy#5917 (GM)
Rekt#3403 (Co-GM)
Vanish#1004 (Healing Officer)