[H] <Frostmourne Hungers> 6/8M LF Heal, RDPS for Next Raid

Guild: <Frostmourne Hungers>
Server: [H] Thrall (US)
Current Progression: 6/8M – 8/8H AOTC
Mythic Raids: Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9PM – 12AM EST (Server Time)
Heroic Farm / Alt Raid: Saturdays from 9PM – 12AM EST (Server Time)

About us

We are a 2 Days Mythic Raiding Guild in Thrall Realm looking to progress in BFA while also promoting a friendly environment and encouraging competition in our team. Some of our other Guild Activities involve pushing Mythic+, PVP and getting Raids & Dungeons achievements.

Mythic Team

Now recruiting:

  • Priest Healer/DPS
  • Mage
  • Warlock


  • Be at least 375 ilvl
  • At least 75% Performance
  • Having Off Specs is a plus


Remember, all players are welcome to apply even if your Role, Class or Spec is not in the Priority List. We are actively looking for exceptional raiders like you.

Progression Nights Supplies:

  • Cauldrons for the whole raid night
  • Feasts for the whole raid night
  • Repair bots
  • Gems and Enchants for all Raiders
  • Vantus Runes for Progression

How to apply?

Fill our Guild Application here. Once you’ve finished, a member of the Officer Team will get in contact with you as soon as possible!

Don’t wish to raid?

We will also feel glad to welcome Social Players and make them part of our community !

How to contact us?



2nd week AOTC
Assassination rogue 377 91% dps
Affliction warlock 374 90% dps

Discord: Lockmanbry#5917

Recruitment updated.

Looking for any Exceptional Range DPS. Preference for Warlock.

Now recruiting Healers (Priest and Paladin) and Range DPS!

Still recruiting Priest and Range DPS!

Still looking for Priest and Range DPS :slight_smile:

Looking for Warlock and Range DPS!

Looking for Healer, warlock and range!

Looking for a Tank, a Healer and Locks :slight_smile: :smiley:

Now looking for Priest Healer/DPS, Mage or Warlock!