Hello all,
My friends and I are looking for a raiding guild that will be raiding at or after 9pm CST. Our group currently consists of a tank (That’s me, literally any class planned on DH but recent changes make me think Prot Paly or Blood DK. Previous Mythic experience, CE Xavius, up to and including Mythic: Queen’s Court in EP), a DPS (He’s expected to run DK), and a healer (Expected to run Disc, don’t be surprised if he decides to play his Resto Shaman like has for umpteen years). We are a small group of degenerates that have been playing with each other for years and are quite good at what we do.
We’re really just looking for a guild who does M+ and Heroic raids currently in anticipation for Shadowlands. This link is shared with them so they’ll chime in if they have anything to say, or if you’re worried about typing in here send me a message at Broastbeef#1767.
Again, the only requirement that we have is starting at or after 9pm CST. THANKS!
Side note: I do plan on playing WW Monk as my only DPS class in Shadowlands, so if you’re looking for that instead of a tank for raids I will not complain. However, my primary goal is to tank literally anything and everything. I like getting my face hit by random mobs. (Think Darkness from KonoSuba)
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Current Disc Priest (formerly Resto Shaman) he’s talking about here.
My only stipulation is that I need a guild that does its raiding on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday in order for me to show up consistently.
I work every Fri - Sun + every other Thursday at night (12-14 shifts) that I can’t miss sleep over in order to make weekend raids.
Small note about me: I’ve been playing since WoW was in BETA. I was a Prot Warrior for 4-years, mostly active in Naxx, AQ20/40, MC, etc. all the way through downing The Lich King in WotLK before all of the buffs to help out. Since I came back during Legion, I’ve been playing a Resto Shaman and am now transitioning over to a Disc Priest.
The heathens are looking for raiders to fill our core team, we raid wed,thurs,fri 7:30pm-11pm CST id love to chat with you both
<the heathens> [illidan] recruiting for shadowlands | raiding 3 days(wen,thurs,fri/ 7:30pm cst to 11pm cst)
Hey Brostest, would love to have a chance to talk to you! Add me and we can discuss more in detail!
We are formed by a group of veteran players that have known each other for years. Our core leadership has top US 30-100 experience. We also have a few people who have pushed 12/12M this tier. We are a laid back group but know when it is time to get serious and push content. We raid a relatively light schedule compared to other guilds at our rank and want to be efficient and effective with our time.
With many of us having experience in higher end raiding the target for the guild is to progress in the US 100-200 range. As a result, we are taking our time with recruitment in order to meet these goals.
Current recruitment needs:
Melee DPS – DK, WW Monk
Ranged DPS – Warlock, Hunter
Healer- Disc/Holy Priest, MW Monk
With a new expansion just around the corner we are flexible to what people are looking to play and are open to changes for Shadowlands.
Raid Times:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday – 11:00-2:00AM EST
If you have any questions or would like additional info please feel free to reach out to either
Kurtis (Recruitment Officer): Burtis#11734 (Btag) Kurtis#2708 (Discord)
Moja (Raid Lead): Moja#11524 (Btag) Saint#0374 (Discord)