[H] Friends and I Looking for Semi-Hardcore Weekend Raiding Guild

Hello People of Mankrik, my friends and I are looking to join a semi-hardcore weekend raiding guild for either 10 man or 25 man raid content.

A little bit about me, I consider myself a WoW Veteran, I’ve been playing since Vanilla and I am really excited for Wrath Classic! I’ve played other MMOs too like FF14 and I’ve done Savage content over there as well so I’m no stranger to progression raiding. We are looking for a kind hearted and friendly guild that is just as eager as we are to play Wrath! My friends are more on the casual side but they share in my excitement.

Currently we are:
Arms/Prot (me)
Enh Shaman

BNET Tag: Jawtrick#1475

Sent you a friend request!