is a semi-hardcore raiding guild on the server Kil’jaeden [H]. We are a mature, progression-oriented guild looking for experienced raiders for mythic progression through Antorus and Battle for Azeroth. We recently reformed towards the end of ToS to be more hardcore and we are aiming to get Cutting Edge this tier and future tiers.
11/11M Antorus, the Burning Throne
8/8M Uldir
Raid Times:
Tuesday (Optional) - 5:45 PM to 9:00 PM PST
Friday - 6:30 PM to 10:00 PM PST
Saturday - 6:30 PM to 10:00 PM PST
Tuesday is an optional raid day usually reserved for farm content.
Also, being a weekend guild, we understand that there are going to be various occasions where members will not be able to raid. Missing a raid here and there is fine as long as it doesn’t happen often. Core raiders are expected to maintain 90% attendance.
We are currently in need of the following roles and classes:
Holy Priest
MW Monk
Affliction Lock
Shadow Priest
Balance Druid
Even if your class isn’t listed above we will consider all exceptional raiders with applicable logs and current Mythic experience.
Note that there will be a trial period of 2 weeks upon joining. We are a mature guild and while we want to progress, we also want to maintain a fun, non-toxic environment. Every member is also expected to be prepared prior to each raid which includes watching videos on upcoming bosses, researching their class, and completing a +10 the previous week.
To Apply:
If you are interested in joining, leave a message here or contact one of our officers on at: