T8: 54/54, server #13 speed
T7: 3D, Immortal
Raid Times
T/W 8:30 - 11:30pm. Th/M for Thursday release dates.
Recruitment Needs
• Holy paladin
• Affliction warlock
About Us
• Formed in TBCC prepatch, we cleared all TBC content including pre-nerf Kael/Vashj and SWP.
• Our goal is to efficiently clear current content including hardmodes and meta-achievements, improving and challenging ourselves each week.
• We want to foster a positive and inclusive community within our guild through our active discord, offnight raids, and non-WoW activities. We currently run 3 TOGC10 runs a week, with multiple 50/50 runs, and host a 5/5H 25man GDKP on Fridays.
Loot Rules
25-man loot is distributed via Loot Council with public loot prio posted on ThatsMyBiS. Loot considerations include attendance, performance, class bonuses, player preference, and general helpfulness outside of raid. We do our best to distribute loot equitably, including to new recruits who contribute positively to our raid team.
• Be knowledgeable about your class and willing to take feedback. Hybrid classes should maintain a raid-viable healing or tank offspec.
• Promote a positive attitude toward raiding and other activities. Toxicity toward other guild members will not be tolerated. Play well but leave the elitism at the door.
• Be prepared for raid nights: show up on time with gear/enchants/glyphs and knowledge of encounters. Respect others’ time by playing well and minimizing AFKs.
• Be receptive to being part of a rotating bench. Recruits are guaranteed a raid spot on week 1 of their recruitment.
• Communicate raid or personnel concerns with officers as they occur.
Malq (Awkittens #2076)• Ikura (Ikinari#0001) • Maxmax (madmax#5502) • Soymelk (Dracolich#2709) • Makmak (JohnnyMAK#0586)