[H] Flex Guardian LF AOTC / M Prog Guild

Well rounded player looking for a group of semi-casual players knowledgeable and skilled enough to clear Heroic content and push Mythic bosses without the restraints of a hardcore guild.

I’ve raided in both casual and hardcore environments in the past, covering a variety of classes, specs, and guild-roles over the course of many expansions (RL,Officer,Healing Lead). Proficient in Shaman (Resto), Druid (Resto, Guardian), Monk (Mistweaver, Brewmaster), Hunter, Warrior (Fury,Prot), Priest(Shadow). With the extreme time sink Blizzard has placed on alts I do not wish to juggle alternate characters at this time, but I am willing to flex role on Druid playing Guardian MS with Feral, Resto OS.

I’m usually available throughout most of the week, but due to work and at-home schedules I simply cannot commit 110% to the workload of a serious raiding environment. Any weeknight 9p-1a EST preferred. If you think I’d be a good fit feel free to reach out to me on Discord (Dreams#4319) or In-game (Stardawg, Nariya).