Raid times:
Thursday 11pm-1am est (2 hrs)
Friday 11pm-2am est (3 hrs)
We are looking for more DPS (or a healer with DPS OS) to join us as we build towards 9.2.
We are a laid back group that promotes stress free raiding but are also highly competitive and committed to getting the job done.
Our guild is made up of adults with jobs, kids, professional Corn Hole players (I wish I was joking), and all the other things that IRL can throw at you. You will not be asked to switch classes based on the “meta”, our philosophy is simple: Play what you enjoy.
We run M+ everyday ranging from the +20s down to gearing alts.
So why not come and spend a day with us and see if we are the kind of people you’d like to hang out with in your spare time.
You can contact us at:
Discord - Twinn#5335
Bnet - Twinn#11324