[H]< Firebrand Trust > Is Hiring!

Firebrand is presently recruiting in Orgrimmar alongside a bunch of other fantastic guilds! Come, swing on by and get a little lookie and see-y of what we’re about!

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Monday evening at 18.00 server time, Firebrand will be hosting its monthly sparring tournament! Slide through to get the Firebrand experience!

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We’ve gotten lots of new people this past week so tonight, we’re hosting an employee orientation event! Everyone gets to take a tour of our IC headquarters, executives show up to explain the various duties of each branch, and people get to learn about history/lore of Firebrand Trust. And it’s all in-character!

Hey! Grehda Gracious, here!

Are ya lookin’ fa’ somethin’ tah do that isn’t sittin’ around, wanderin’ around aimlessly, or gettin’ involved in a gigantic battle that will determine tha fate of Azeroth?

If so, why not Join up with us, Firebrand Trust? We’re an active Investment Company lookin’ fa’ a few good people tah join our ranks!

If yer lookin’ tah make money, tha Commerce Branch is fa’ ya! If yer more of tha “book smart” type, we got tha Research Branch fa’ ya tah call home! And, if ya rather solve conflicts with Violence™️, tha Security Branch is yer one-stop destination!

As ya can see, we’re always hirin’, so, why not give us a shot? “Your Future is Our Business”, after all!

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Firebrand has lots of stuff on the table for this week! From combat to a sneaky-sneaky mission, this ole Elder Teka is gonna get her nose into everything!

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Good day, comrades. These have been… interesting times, 'aven’t they? Ain’t that a curse ye speak over someone, in Pandaria? “May ye live in interesting times”?

I’ve had a long and diverse career, with many years that proved to be “interesting times.” Just over a year ago I retired from the Horde’s glorious war machine and went all of a month before I realized I was going mad with boredom. No amount of peaceful sailing on gorgeous seas, pleasurable company on the shore, or tipping my hat to old faces enjoying peace in Orgrimmar, could sate my need for action.

Firebrand Trust provides a place for those what seek to do more with themselves. If ye 'ave talents, we will put them to good use. If ye 'ave strengths, we shall do what we can to make ye stronger. We invest, yes, in companies and products and projects, but also in our people. That has been the focus of my career in Firebrand, and I am not alone. I hope ye’ll come give us a try. However odd a ball ye think ye may be, even if ye deem yerself a one-trick pony, I’m confident we have a place fer ye.

Unless ye’re just a right and proper git. I mean we HAVE one or two of those, big company and all, but reign that in or mark my words, I’ll find a way to get latrines dug on the company campus, by yer hands.

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Now I am just a simple ole Tauren Shaman, but I know a good group of young ones when I see’em! True, sometimes we set things on fire, and we may overcharge for some of our services… But but the Spirits, we get the job done and then some!

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It’s the first Sunday of the month, so time for our monthly guild-wide meeting!

On the docket: our interview process for the selection of a new Research director, our participation in the Haunted Carnival and other server events, the grand finale of the Midnight Harvest campaign, and the redoubling of our efforts to push the individual narratives of our employees to the forefront!

Oh, and we have to explore what spooky movies we’ll be streaming and party games we’ll be playing the rest of this month!

Cripes, it’s only Wednesday?

Figure it’d be tomorrow by now. What’s going on tomorrow?
Well Firebrand’s Commerce department is going to be spending some time making some new products for our name brand catalog!

What products might you ask? Well this month we’re making… Hobbyist dice, along with other knick-knacks!

That’s right, Firebrand Trust is going to be having dice for all your dice related needs very soon! Don’t have any dice related needs? Well why don’t you develope some dice related needs! That way you can-

  --Shoot dice with your buddies down a dimly lit alley
  --Pretend to be someone else in some kind of table top role playing game
  --Develop an unhealthy addiction to collecting dice that you'll never use

What’s that? You’re interested in joining Firebrand Trust so you too can be apart of the amazing team that creates those aforementioned dice? Well we’re always looking for talented, enthusiastic people!

Firebrand Trust,

Your future is our business


The Haunted Carnival goes down this Friday and Firebrand Trust will be there! Come by our booth and check out our Fall catalog!

Looks like it’s another Wednesday. That’s right, that day of the week that’s better than Monday, but nowhere near as good as Thursday or Friday.

Whats going on Thursday and Friday?

Well tomorrow one of our guildees employees, Ravenn, is hosting an OOC PvP night for fun and blood! It looks like Ravenn is going to take Firebrand with them into EPIC Bgs and Brawls.

Friday, however, is the Haunted Carnival Market of which Firebrand Trust is lucky enough to have a booth for!
Look out for us Friday in MG Caer Darrow from 8-11 P.M. MG time, or 6-9 WrA Time! We’ll be in booth 13, and selling many of our fantastic products and services.

That’s all I have to post this time around, happy hump-day y’all, you’re almost to the weekend. Hang in there.

Brightdigger… out!

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Goooood Friday evening!

Tonight Firebrand is participating in the Haunted Carnivale out in the Western Plaguelands, selling a variety of employee-crafted wares! Just a little taste of what we have to offer, and a glimpse into what your ideas could be with us!

Stay spooky!

– Lady Lin’Aryne Sylaine

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The Guild Fair is today! Oh, Elder Teka can’t wait to see a whole bunch of new faces in Orgimmar later!

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Happy Monday!! Grehda, here!

After Sunday’s Guild Faire, we head into another event-filled week, featuring the hit dice game " :skull_and_crossbones: Death Rolling :skull_and_crossbones:" and TWO Research events! If you want to get in on the fun, make sure you apply to FT!

We’ll also be participating in Rave in a Cave, so if you see any of us there, make sure you say hi!

Alright, that’s it from me. Hope y’all have a great week!


Tonight, Lin’Aryne launched the Research branch’s new F-LOD initiative. That stands for Firebrand Locate Observe Document, by the way.

To help people get into the swing of how it worked, they started with a simple trek through Nothern Kalimdor to log some local wildlife. Apparently it turned into a weird encounter with a yeti and some impromptu veterinary work.

Tam totally would have gone, but she didn’t remember to bring her hiking boots.

A new week begins, and with it comes a new opportunity for adventure! For innovation! For improvement! For HIGHLY COMPETITIVE SALARIES AND BENEFITS PACKAGES! Come and apply to Firebrand Trust! We’ve got parties, alchemical classes, and what’s DEFINITELY NOT A SUICIDE MISSION coming up this week! Come join in the fun!

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Oh that mission was suicidal alright… for the other guys!

But tonight we’re doing a bit of shopping at this week’s Menagerie Boutique. For those who don’t know, it’s a long running (years now) server market event open to everyone that’s been taking place down in Ratchet.

Tonight, it’s moved to the ruins of the Scarlet Enclave though. So if you’ve got an IC merchant character or just want to relax and have a good time, it’s a fun way to spend the evening!

This Elder cannot wait to see all the interesting wares and spells and whatnot that the Body Mod Fair has to offer this Friday! I’ve heard that if you wanna change ya eye color, there’s a potion for that. If ya want different fur, there’s a potion for that.

Firebrand Trust will be there selling and showing off! Come see us and the other amazing vendors at Mistfall Village at 5:00pm Server. Check the link for more info!


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Hello forums it’s that time of the month where I bump this forum to try to convince you to apply to Firebrand Trust and give us a chance.

You’ll never notice through my suave and subtle tactics where I subtly draw your eyes to our attractive tinyurl ( https: //tinyurl. com/ JoinFirebrand ) and convince you to click it.

… What are you doing? The link is up there.

… Ah, I see you’re needing actual substance to click that link through my expert ways.

Well! I can tell you that Firebrand Trust is still very active in these times, with the month of November by itself hosting a bunch of officer events, and we have plenty of room for our players to put up events themselves!

For example in the next 7 days alone, Firebrand is going to…

  • Attend and man a booth for the Body Mod Faire
  • Chill out and shoot the shish with some ‘question dice’
  • Have our monthly company meeting
  • Continue our security story and charge an enemies’ citadel!

Don’t that sound fun? Remember that link above? You know what to do.

Try to enjoy your week, stay safe, and I’ll be back next Wednesday.


We’re going to have a busy weekend. There’s the Body Modification Faire and gala to attend tonight, a game of dice tomorrow night , and the company meeting, where we’ll be planning the rest of the month’s activities.

Among them: striking the final blow against a rogue branch of Scourge that’s been threatening our business partners and operations, the launch of a public fighting ring, and our new winter catalog- which will be featuring art by our very own Grehda Gracious!