[H] Fire/Arcane Mage, Holy Pally, Warlock LF Weekend Raid Team for WOLTK

Hey There,

We are a close group of three who have raided retail for the past years and found fun in experiencing classic, TBC classic, and now WOLTK classic again. The pally and my self don’t have logs to show for much of our TBC career this go around, but we have both cleared minor content in mag, gruul, kara, and ZA. The warlock has done SSC and TK, so may have logs to show for that.

In terms of retail experience all of us have mythic raided for the past 3 tiers of content and have logs to show if need be or are wanted. We pushed high-ish end content in mythic + and other challenge scenarios and are no strangers to hardcore raiding or hardmodes. We know that our time and actions affect the team and the group and strive to make the most out of raid time while still having a good time and enjoying the company.

I can’t possibly list every thing you may what to know here, but we are extremely transparent, nothing to hide, and just want to find a decent semi-hardcore home to push some high end content and have a good time.

Feel free to reply to the post or DM me in game or discord.

Discord Bigmacz#8838
Btag Bigmacz#1971