[H] <Final Exodus> LF Healer, some DPS

Final Exodus (7/8 H VotI) is a semi-casual raiding guild with a focus on achieving AOTC and mythic difficulty. We are an active community that engages in mythic + also. We are a friendly community that likes to spend time in and out of WoW together. We want a friendly atmosphere but also encourage a competitive attitude when engaging higher difficulty content. We are currently looking for healers and some dps to fill out our raid spots. But all other are welcome to reach out! Our raid days/times are Fri/Sat 8-11pm (server; CST). If you’re looking for a guild that has a friendly atmosphere, competitive raiding, mythic + teams to run with, and an overall good time, Final Exodus is the right place for you. We are now 7/8 H and continuing heroic progression this week.

Contact Discord: MetalHeadJD#1545 if interested in raiding with us.

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Heroic tonight, mythic tomorrow! Still looking for a few more!


Doing heroic skip now, looking to kill H raz for AOTC and start working on mythic bosses after.