[H] <Fight> hosting Naxx 25 clear! Sign up and get your KT loot!

Fight is hosting a full clear NAXX 25 on Sunday, Oct 16 @ 8:30 pm EST. Come clear with the server’s very first lvl 80 DK, Streetsweepa, and the rest of the meme-team at !

Loot rules are Soft Reserve+1. The only Hard Reserve is on Maly Key for EoE run following Naxx. BoEs are not hard reserved, and will be rolled off loot normally would. Zero reserves on KT Loot! How could you afford NOT to come?! Sign up now at https://discord.gg/pkVXm5q8

Priority Invites go to ranged DPS and heals. Looking for Locks, Mages, Hunters, Boomkin, and healers from all over, especially Priests! Please post your loadout/character sheet in the Discord Gear Check channel for a once-over! We’re not especially picky, but lets not come in quest greens and blues only.

Come chill and kill with the Fight team!