[H] <Fight> 25 Man FULL clear/Farm for Sunday, Oct 23rd at 8:30 ST

is hosting its weekly 25 Man FULL clear, this Sunday, Oct 23rd, at 8:30 PM Server Time. Loot is 2 SR, MS>OS+1! No hard reserves aside from EoE Key! As we did last week, we’ll clear Naxx, OS 2-3 Drake, and finish with Eye. Be sure to reserve your loot before start of raid! Sign up at: https://discord.gg/h798VGhx, and post your gear/logs in the check channels!

We’re looking to round out the “pug” roster, and welcome returning raiders. Current needs are a third tank with a good OS DPS, a few healers (R Druid, H Priest, R Shaman), and some ranged DPS, including Mage, Warlock, and S Priest! All pumpers may apply, however!

Special note, we’ll be moving our full clear night to Tuesday the following week, so a signup for the 25th is ALSO available! Come get your 226 loot!