[H] <Fight> 25 Man Full Clear (Naxx, EoE, OS)- Tues, Nov 1st, 8:30 ST

Fight’s weekly (and SUPER fast) clear of Naxx, OS, and EoE is back, this Tuesday at 8:30 ST! We currently need one additional Priest (Shadow or Holy, OS or MS), a ranged or two, and 1 healer! Ele/Resto Shaman’s can gorge on SP mail, as we have no Resto or Ele in raid currently!

Loot is 2 SR MS>OS +1! Hard reserves are only Iris key, and Betrayer! Everything else, BoEs and the rest of KT’s loot pool included, are completely open! come sign up at: https://discord.gg/Fmj67baq