[H] Feralas Fashion Show

All members of the horde are invited to a fabulous festival of fashion in Feralas! On Sunday, April 26th, at 8pm server time, Swiftsilver Cartel will host a fashion show at the goblin resort with tons of prizes for the best dressed! We will have several categories and themes, with a transmog station available so you can change outfits in between trips down the catwalk. Start farming those mog pieces, and planning your most fabulous outfits, this is a party you don’t wanna miss! See ya there!

Date: Sunday, April 26th 2020, 8pm server
Location: Steam Pools, Ferelas

Contestants and spectators assume all risks and costs associated with participation in the above event, up to and including cost of clothing and transportation, hurt feelings, falls from the catwalk, theft, all damages both real and perceived, and accept all liability for damage to property or the resort. You further agree to hold harmless Trade Princess Senneca Swiftsilver, the Swiftsilver Cartel, and all employees, associates, or contractors thereof, from any legal action resulting from your attendance of this event. All decisions by judges are final, and no claims are made as to the impartiality, bribery status, or rigging of any contests or judges, as well as watering down of drinks served or quality of goods and services rendered. Participants agree that all transactions, services, or events are on an as is basis and assume all risk of injury up to and including death or dismemberment. 2020 Swiftsilver Inc, all rights reserved


BUMP FOR THE WEEKEND which is a very clear sentence, thank you blizzard

This is tonight! Hope to see you there!