[H] <Failing Forward> now recruiting!

Failing Forward is a recent transfer from Incendius looking to fill some gaps in our 40 man raid crew. We’re looking for a couple warlocks and healing priests specifically but all classes are open for consideration if you have a good attitude that meshes with our community!

Little bit about us. Most of our leadership and a lot of our members have known eachother and been gaming together on and off for many years across several games and guilds. We try to strike the best balance we can between the hardcore style guilds and the super casual. Try to get stuff done but still understand that it’s just a game that’s meant to be fun not a job and there’s real people behind the keyboards that can’t necessarily dedicate their lives to Azeroth anymore. On one hand we cleared 8/8 BWL on the second week with zero wipes. On the other hand I don’t think we’ve successfully stacked on a Lava Surger in MC once. We don’t require folks to heavily use consumables or worry about world buffs or any of that. We’re not interested in speed clearing or shooting for server firsts. Long as we can get the bosses dead and have fun we’re happy and we’ve been very successful in that regard thus far.

Raid days are Thursday and Sunday from 8pm-11pm EST. Loot is handled via DKP thats managed by an ingame addon with open bidding. Our dkp system is slightly unique with bid caps and a decay system designed to prevent excessive hoarding and limit the barrier to entry for newer players. If you’d like more information on it an officer would be happy to answer any questions. If this sounds at all interesting to you feel free to contact Tacc, Dorn, Failing, Konso, Tokk or Asty in-game for more details!