[H] [Faerlina] < R E D A C T E D > Raid Guild recruiting for Wrath

Hey yo,

We are recruiting players to raid in Wrath on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Raid times are currently set for 8PM - 11:30PM EST but may have some adjustments after raiding starts. The guild’s goal is to see and clear all of the raids on normal and heroic. While we are not prioritizing parses we do expect raiders to be able to provide average numbers while correctly doing mechanics. The current goals are to finish recruiting members for our first 10 man and hopefully fill a second 10 man squad prior to Naxx to allow for 25 man raiding at launch.

Loot will be primarily awarded based on a DKP system except for weapons or legendaries which will be awarded based on a loot council. The goal of this loot council is to allocate the weapons so we can progress quickly and so that people know ahead of time when they can expect those items without loot drama or DKP hoarding.

For any questions please respond here or message me on either of the following contacts. My discord is the most reliable way to reach me.

Discord: Zaran1703#9790
Battlenet: Zaran1703#1590

Still looking for more dps. Have tanks set for 25 man but open tank spots for second 10-man squad.

The 10 man team is only missing one healer. Any interested healers please reach out, especially if you’re a holy pally. Recruitment for the 25 man is missing two healers and some dps. Looking for Holy Pally, Resto Druid, or Warlocks.

Discord: Zaran1703#9790

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