[H] Faerlina <clarity> Tues/Wed 8-11pm EST - LF FERAL DRUID/ENH SHAMAN

need hunter and shaman! come join!

Looking for a Hunter & Shaman!

Bump, immediate raid slots available

Still recruiting 1 Resto Shaman

Recruiting a Resto Shaman

Looking for a Hunter & Resto Shaman. Completed a Kara run in 68 minutes without much preparation beforehand.

Looking for a Resto Druid!

Still recruiting a Resto Druid and Hunter! Come join us!

Looking for a Hunter & Druid!

bump!! Hunters come round!

Looking for a Hunter (or two!)

lookin for hunters! join up today

Recruiting for Phase 2!

LOOKING FOR A PRIEST! 5/6ssc, 3/4tk

Join us for SSC/TK :slight_smile:

Looking for a Ret Paladin to join our ranks!

Bump! 10/10 in t5 content

Still looking for a ret paladin!

Searching far and wide! Come join us for more fun and loot filled weeks of T5!

Looking for a Hunter to join our ranks!