Guild type: Semi Hardcore NA with eastern start times after 8pm on weekdays. Not able to do Sunday.
Class preference: Friend is going Resto Shaman. I will be rolling a Frost DK and Holly Pally. I am a healer main but starting melee this time. Healed through TBC as a Resto Sham/Druid. My friend tanked a dps’d.
Region: NA server with times after 8pm eastern prefer weekdays Not able to do Sunday.
Goals: We are looking for a guild that is semi-hardcore. We are 2 friends gaming together looking for a home for WOTLK.
Experience: Have played almost all of the expansions, came back to classic when it launched and have not played live since. We have recent WOTLK experience from multiple other providers of Wrath.
We are not loot focused players, with that said just looking for something fair for all. We are always on time, prepared with edibles, pots, gear is gemmed and enchanted. We know the Wrath fights as we recently led a guild through Wrath (Naxx) and started Ulduar. We both have prior experience with all Wrath content from the original release. We already have our professions ready to go and preparing for Wrath. Since we shifted to new mains we are not attuned for current content and do not have a desire to raid anymore in TBC, we are focused on WOTLK prep.
If we sound like a fit for what you are building please DM me on discord (kirsche#0844) or here.