[H] <Exit Plan> Tu/We/Th 9pm-12 server 17/17 +3D

We’re a progressive raiding guild looking forward to tackling Ulduar and the hard mode content it offers.

We currently clear Naxx on Tuesday nights, and the other three raids on Wednesday. Thursday is currently not utilized, but will be for Ulduar.

We are 17/17, +3 Drakes in 10&25, and working on achievements.

We utilize That’s My BiS prioritization for loot.

Our Warcraft Logs Page

Our guild has been growing steadily since the launch of WOTLK and we’re at the point where we need to expand into a second raid group. We’re looking for solid players to join our team and slay some Dargons!

In particular we’re looking for:

Healers: R-Druid, H-Paly, R-Sham, and Disc Priest.
For healers, we love players who are open to flexing as DPS. We like to push the envelope on minimum healers…

Damage: Ranged DPS (emphasis on Mage, Lock, S-Priest, and Hunters), Rogues, and DKs.

We’re more interested in good players than meta classes. If you know how to push those buttons we’d love to have you, even if you are a Subtlety Rogue… :stuck_out_tongue:

Join us on Discord

Message me Fusa#1817 (Bnet) or Fusa#5767 (Discord)

Or, feel free to message anyone online in Exit Plan to get pointed to an officer.

Join us for Naxx and see if you like our atmosphere.

We’re open to new players and old hands. We have a lot of raiding experience to share and love to help our teammates reach their full Parse loving potential!

I’m a disc priest possibly looking for a more serious place to raid. I did all wrath content in the original wrath and have hard core raided in retail since Cata. I dont have many logs yet as they are hit or miss since I have been goign between my priest and druid for my current guild but I can provide some. my bnet is Cinnebuns#1943

I sent you a friend request Sinabuns.

We’re still looking for more Dargon Slayers!

Dont see it in post, so assuming this is a no. Need tanks? Tried to see you online for PM, dont see ya.

Regarding Tanks, we do not have tank positions open for our 25m content.

We do have tank positions available for 10m teams, we build 10m teams to attack achievements and get everyone the Sarth mount as an example. But, you would need to be willing to DPS in 25m.

Sorry for the lack of clarity.

Still looking for Raiders to join the team

Still looking for 7 more raiders: 2 healers (resto, druid or sham), 1 shadow priest, and 5 ranged DPS.