Good evening! Exit Plan is currently recruiting all roles/classes to fill out our 25-man roster for End Game content. This is a mature (21+ guild). Members are incredibly friendly and knowledgeable of the content and played when Burning Crusade was fresh. Currently doing Kara and ZA every reset. Most of the core raiding members are in T4/Badge gear and ready for SSC/TK. Recently downed Void Reaver. The goal is to progress through the End Game content before Wrath Classic launches and then continue to raid in Wrath Classic. The majority of the raids are around 9PM server, with the exception of weekends (which are earlier in the day).
Would you have need for a holy paladin and a protection paladin?
or an ele shaman and holy paladin
Also interested. Resto shaman and Prot/Ret/Holy paladin
Got 4 people -
Fire mage
Demo lock
Enh sham
(potentially) prot paladin
As well as potentially a few others
Discord: original47#4529
Holy Paladin?
Sent you a friend request in Discord. Sorry for the late reply. I was sick with COVID last week and just getting back into the swing of things.