[H] <Exile> LFM Mythic Raiders for 8.3!

About Us:
Exile is a 2-night, 5/8M EP raiding guild on Barthilas that raids on Wednesday & Sunday nights from 8pm-11pm server time.

When not raiding, our guild has a casual, laid back atmosphere. Some people like to M+, some like to PvP, and some like to post low-effort memes in our Discord sh!t-posting channel. The average age of our players is 25-30, so we’re looking for mature-ish players near that age range that aren’t easily offended but likewise aren’t racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.

When we do raid, we like to knuckle down and get serious for progression content – keeping comms clear for callouts and instruction, performing at the peak of our ability, switching to alternate specs if needed, and sitting on the bench when it’s requested. We all expect and comply with raid requests.

About You:
Many of our players have full-time jobs, significant others, and/or families of their own – so while we don’t expect or require players to be on all the time with maximum iLvl and perfect attendance, we still require that you have the spare time and wherewithal to have a level 70 (or near 70) Azerite neckpiece, be gearing yourself in M+, and staying up-to-date with the latest class changes and boss strategies. We want people that can gear themselves and help others, not those hoping for a carry.

To pass your trial period of 2-4 weeks and make the core raid team, you’d be expected to have around 90% raid attendance, be capable of playing multiple specs (and switching when needed), be constantly achieving moderate HPS/DPS parses, adequately performing raid mechanics, and be willing to sit on the bench – and be available until raid ends – when we need to rotate other players in (we’re all team players here - if you’re expecting a guaranteed raid spot every raid night, and are unwilling to sacrifice for the team, this is not the guild for you). Unfortunately, if you have poor attendance, low parses, or are consistently dying to mechanics, you will not earn a spot on our raid team. We cannot carry underperformers – if you can pull your weight, we’ll be happy to have you.

For Hire:
We’re currently considering all applicants for raiding in 8.3 that are experts of their respective classes, fonts of knowledge regarding raid mechanics, and team players that are willing to sacrifice for the guild (though we could especially use another mage and WW Monk with heal/tank offspec).

If you think we’d be a good fit and are interested in trialling with Exile, please contact us in-game.

GM: blame#11778
Officers: banestrider#1813 + crakrjakr#1596