We are a guild made up of longtime WoW buddies, looking to recruit for 10 man raiding in WOTLK. The founders of the guild are two nerdy dads in our 30’s who are far less cool than we pretend to be, and the couple of goobers that we have wrangled in so far are all also either (a.) dads; (b.) nerds; or (c.) both so it works.
People are wrapping up leveling, and planning to begin raiding 11/1.
Everyone currently in guild has raid experience, with several (though not all) having WOTLK raid experience. We are looking to drink scotch, kill bosses, and make fun of each other. Not always in that order
We really want to maintain the guild culture, and to never have to recruit “just to fill a slot” if we don’t really gel with the person. We like to talk crap, and have fun, and we want to be able to run a small tight knit group that genuinely enjoys the banter and general atmosphere as much as we do. 80’s movie references, raid calls in Schwarzenegger and/or Bane voice, stupid in-jokes. It’s all here.
Tues/Thurs 8:30 to 11:30 Eastern with optional/occasional Sat night as required/desired.
All we will require as far as raiding goes is a basic effort, so get a flask, have gems in all of your holes, and you’ll be fine. We are working adults with things to do, so no one is going to be going over your parses to pop a blood vessel over your CD timings. No one is going to go on Icy Veins and get into a tizzy about how your enchants are only 97% optimal. That said, please do have enchants. Even if it’s +fishing skill to gloves.
No one will rage out at you for messing up, but if you mess up in a funny way, it will become a running joke, and you will never live it down. Just keep that in mind.
Also, have Discord, speak English, don’t be a little ****, etc. The obvious stuff.
We currently need a mage and a rogue with high priority. Could also use a shadow priest. That said, we can likely fit most cloth/leather/mail dps at this point. Come join the party!
Cynec#7654 ; NollaAvenue#2207 ; Kazeindel#7901 on Discord