[h] <ex resurgam> late night+8gmt

Ex Resurgam is a raiding guild on Caelestrasz/Nagrand, currently 2H.

We raid Wednesday and Monday nights 830pm +8gmt WA time (1130pm ADST) - 1100pm +8gmt WA time (2am ADST).

Run by experienced Heroic/Mythic raiders who are working family orientated players with a lets get this done during raid time mentality.

If you are a committed raider or group of raiders looking to clear Heroic content with a guild of like-minded players who believe in Real Life > WoW but enjoy the challenge of progressing through content with people willing to laugh, then perhaps this is the place for you.

We are looking for raiders 430+ ilvl who have experience in heroic aotc content-

Classes required -
Dps – Warlock, Mage, Hunter, Death Knight
(Will consider all classes)

We also run Mythic+ Dungeons on a Thursday night so if you are interested in joining our guild for some late night dungeon action feel free to apply also.

PM Crucifer#1686 on Battlenet or on discord Keltash#9146.