[H]<Ex Inferno> Wed/Fri (Team Pink) LF Rogue for BoD

[H] <Ex Inferno> With 5 raid team’s on the Horde side, an active Mythic+ community and tons of other activities going on including Alt Raids and Transmog Runs on off nights, <Ex Inferno> is always looking for active members.

Team Pink (8/8 Normal Uldir, AoTC 8/8 Heroic Uldir - 2/11 Mythic ABT), " the working man’s casual progression team " is looking for a few more raiders to push into Heroic Uldir. Team Pink consists of a lot of folks who just want to come home from work and tear through some bosses. Also, while doing so, the Team enjoys being able to kick back, drink a few beers, and have fun!

At the moment Team Pink is looking for:

Healer - Full time healer spot available (Full on Holy Paladin)

Ranged DPS - Shadow Priest

Melee DPS - Rogue preferred, DK, DH, or Pally.

All DPS should be 375+, a person who plays their class exceptionally well and goes into raids researched and ready to go.

Healer - Closed

Tank - Closed

Raid Times are:
Wednesday 8:00 pm - 10 pm EST (2 Hours)
Friday 8:30 pm - 11:30 pm EST (3 Hours)

18+, Discord with a working mic is required, Cauldron and food provided, repairs for Raiders, Personal Loot.

Bodhí (the í is Alt 0237) or b-net Bodhi#11669, Discord Bo#0122

If those raid times to not work for you Ex Inferno has 4 other raid teams on the Horde side (one on the Alliance - Stormrage). Details here https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20767736819?page=1 and https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20767667729 or just visit the Ex Inferno website at exinferno(dot)com/

We welcome social members to our active community as well!


MDPS - Room for 1 melee DPS: DH, DK, Warrior or Rogue.

Healer - Monk, Disc Priest, Shaman or Druid.

RDPS - Cloth DPS preferred, but others will be considered.

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Still looking for 1 or 2 DPS so we can continue into Mythic Uldir.

MDPS - Room for 1 melee DPS: DH, DK, Warrior or Rogue.

RDPS - Cloth DPS preferred, but other ranged DPS will be considered.

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Happy Thanksgiving!

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Looking for 1 or 2 DPS to solidify our Heroic/Mythic roster.

Still looking for 1 or 2 more DPS to finish off our Mythic roster.

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MDPS - Room for 1 melee DPS: DH, DK, Warrior or Rogue.

Healer - Druid, Monk, Disc Priest, or Shaman.

RDPS - Cloth DPS preferred, but others will be considered.

Looking for a Healer, Monk or Druid preferred.

Also interested in 1 or 2 DPS.

Looking for a healer, Druid or Monk preferred,

One or 2 DPS as well.

Still raiding and still looking for DPS.

Spots open for Melee and Ranged.

LF 1 or 2 DPS to fill our 20 man roster

Looking for a raid team?

Still have openings for DPS.

LF 1 or 2 more DPS

Who wants to bring the deeps!

Is your guild still raiding? We are. LF DPS, message me on Discord Bo#0122

LF 1 or 2 strong DPS to complete our team.

Who’s bringing the deeps?

Raid night /bump! Would love to find another Lock.