370 Balance druid/357 warlock LFG

Looking for guild that raids mythic.

Wednesday/Friday, 8-11 est

I have a warlock alt that is 357 atm.

I have a good bit of heroic logs.

Luude#0066 (disc)
Luude#11131 (bnet)

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Ex Inferno’s Team Pink raids Wednesday (8-10) and Friday (8:30 -11:30) and we are currently looking for DPS.

Updated post to be a bit more accurate.

Not Rocket Science 3/8M
Raid Days: Tuesday, Wednesday 8-11 pm EST progression and Sunday Optional 8-10:00 pm EST
if interested add me Efinawesome#1154

Whoever recruits this guy will be getting a pretty strong player.

He’s also very helpful to other members in my guild.

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