[H] <Ex Inferno> Team Orange

[Area-52] [H] < Ex Inferno > With 2 raid team’s on the Horde side, an active Mythic+ community and tons of other activities going on including Alt raids on off nights.

[H] < Ex Inferno > Team Orange consists mainly of people who like to raid and run M+ on off nights. Our main goal is to achieve AoTC every tier and In Shadowlands we are going to to start mythic progression

At the moment we are looking for

168 ilvl+: Tanks - Closed, Healer - Closed, RDPS- closed, MDPS - Close. If you are a skilled dedicated raider you can still contact me.

Raid Times are: Wednesday/Thursday 8:30 pm - 11 pm EST, along with the first 2 Tuesday’s of a new raid tier ( 2.5Hours ) Invites start promptly at 8:15 pm EST, 18+, Discord with a working mic is required, Cauldron and food provided.

Note: We will be raiding the first 2 Tuesdays of the new raid tier in Shadowlands in addition to our normally scheduled raid days.

Contact: Wox btag: Wox#11319 Discord: Wox#6284. If those raid times to not work for you Ex Inferno has 3 other raid teams on the Horde side.

Details here https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20767736819?page=1 2 1 8 6 1 21 or just visit the Ex Inferno website at exinferno(dot)com/ We welcome social members.

Team Orange is N 9/9 H 2/9 BoD. We are currently looking for reliable dps.



Team Orange is 3/9 H BoD, LFM reliable DPS

Team Orange 4/9 heroic BoD