Dvdm- thrall
Looking for a mythic raiding guild.
Raiding experience
Vanillia - Rag
TBC - all content “aotc” - guild stopped at Muru for SW
Wrath - All content “aotc” - I even made a mage that I only played during this expansion so we could zero light yogg.
Cata - All content “aotc” - Rag is still one of my most proud kills
Draenor - CE Cho, blackhand, only got to mano on mythic
Legion - CE Xavius
After Xavius I broke both of my wrists and I took a break for all of legion/bfa. Took some time till I felt I could play at that level again. It was a pretty nasty break.
My current guild is 8/10m but are only doing generals/sire content and their raid group is full. In fact three of the officers are shamans and there is no realistic world I can raid with them again. As such, I’m hoping to find a new guild.
I’m laid back and prefer to laugh over yell during a raid. I’ll find some way to lighten the mood during progression.