[H] <Evolutionists> 7/8 H EP, WED/FRI 630-930 CST

Guild and Server: Evolutionists, Horde, Emerald Dream - US

Raid Days/Times: Wednesday/Friday 6:30pm-9:30pm server time (CST), Saturday 6:30pm-9:30pm server time (CST) for optional casual normal clears/gearing up alts

Current Progression: 7/8H

Recruitment Contacts: KiNgRoLLpeKe#1600 (blizz battletag), alva#5184 (discord username) (brewmaster monk raid leader)

Requirements: Fun-loving folks wanting to enjoy a place to call home with intent to improve yourself and work as a team to down heroic raid content. Eventual mythic raid content as we see fit. We also heavily participate in, M+, WPvP, and social guild events.

Needs: All are welcome, and all will have the opportunity to raid. Positive mindset and attendance are all you need!