Everything is Fine is an adult World of Warcraft guild on Bleeding Hollow US.
We enjoy a relaxed casual atmosphere with a focus on clearing Heroic ASAP. When we are not raiding, we push keys throughout the week including weekends.
Most of us have been playing WoW since vanilla and have raided at various levels. We are an older group made up of working professionals that is primarily focused on AOTC and Mythic Plus content at this time.
We have multiple Keystone Masters in the guild and we love running keys, so if you are not interested in raiding but love Mythic Plus, we still might be a good fit for you.
Prog Raid Schedule
Monday 8-11EST
Wednesday 8-11EST
When the raid is on farm, the hours above are reduced significantly
We are interested in any class/role right now except for Tanks. Please reach out to myself on discord Blacknd(blacknd#9940) or Tizz(tizzlebit#5413) for any questions.