Things were a little hectic over the holidays, especially with the shading in Orgrimmar preventing any large group events, but that’s all in the past and I’m proud to announce that the WrA Horde Guild Faire is back to it’s monthly in game gatherings for 2023!
Where: Wyrmrest Accord Server. Orgrimmar, the Drag
What: In case you don’t know, on the last Sunday of every month, dozens of Horde guilds on the server get together in Orgrimmar’s Drag. The goal: to meet people looking for a new guild home and show them their options. No whispers or random invites. No browsing lists. Just good ol’ in-game, face to face, conversation. In Character or OOC (depending on the guild/your preferences).
Among the many types of guilds you’ll encounter are… Roleplaying guilds! PvP guilds! Raiding guilds! Social guilds! Small guilds! Big guilds!
And more!
So come on out and check it out next week! We’ve been going for two years now, but we’ve seen our greatest surge since the announcement of Dragonflight hit! Players and guilds, new and old, are returning in droves!
And if you can’t make it out this Sunday, join us on Discord for updates! You can also check out all the guilds and guild representatives present and contact them via DM’s with your questions. Give feedback and help us grow community!
This was quite fun! Overwhelming at points but those of us from the Convocation of Darkness enjoyed our time wandering about and talking to so many people!