[H-Event] WRA Horde Guild Faire - October 27th

The foulest stench is in the air… (it must be the forsaken?)
The funk of forty thousand years… (or maybe the draenei?)
And grizzly ghouls from every tomb… (perhaps the death knights?)
Are closing in to seal your doom… (no it sounds like the warlocks?)
And though you fight to stay alive… (or the melee players?)
Your body starts to shiver… (it could be the frost mages?)
For no mere mortal can resist… (no wait it… it must be…)
The evil of… (of course it is the one and only…)

:dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: THE OCTOBER WYRMREST ACCORD GUILD FAIRE! :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:
Here we go again! Guild Faire is happening this weekend and we invite all of YOU to come join us for some community fun! Details below!

:clock5: When: Sunday October 27th @ 5-7PM Server (5-7PM PST, 6-8PM MST, 7-9PM CST, 8-10PM EST)

:world_map: Where: Wyrmrest Accord (NA Server) | The Drag - Orgrimmar

:grey_question: What: On the last Sunday of every month, dozens of guilds gather together in The Drag of Orgrimmar to meet, mingle, and most importantly help people find their new guild home amongst many wonderful options! No more random whispers or random invites! No more hours of browsing guild finder! Just good old in-game interactions with real people in real time, face to face, with plenty of conversation and getting to know each other so you can find the right guild fit for you! This event is both IC and OOC supported - depending on the guild and your own preferences!

:busts_in_silhouette: Who: Plenty of guilds and guild-seekers alike! We have…

  • :performing_arts: Roleplaying Guilds!
  • :hourglass: Dungeon Guilds!
  • :coin: Delve Guilds!
  • :crossed_swords: PvP Guilds!
  • :fire: Raiding Guilds!
  • :tada: Social Guilds!
  • :trophy: Achievement Guilds!
  • :beer: Small Guilds!
  • :beers: Big Guilds!
  • :night_with_stars: Late Night & All-Hours Guilds
  • :bangbang: And most importantly… YOU!

Keep up to date with all the news and find out more about our events, active guilds, and other important info at the links below!
Save The Date: https://wrahordeguildfaire.carrd.co/
Join Our Discord: https://discord.gg/dW6nrEKT7s

Keep an eye out as we plan a possible WoW anniversary faire in the next coming months! Looking forward to seeing you all there!

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I see the guild faire is happening on the most important day of the year. Topsail’s birthday.

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The Paw Patrol will be there! :cat: :paw_prints:

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