(Just a minor little event we’re throwing together, but never-the-less, here’s a formal announcement on the good 'ol forums.)
WHAT: A Terrific Fireworks Spectacular! (Goes grew with your brewfest drink of choice!)
WHEN: September 22nd, at 8:20 PM server time (10:20 MG/Central time)
WHERE: Orgrimmar, the Valley of Honor (looking towwards the pond)
WHO: Horde, mainly. Plus those PvPers from the Alliance who always seem to be hanging out by the barracks, I guess - we see you.
WHY: To celebrate brewfest, but also to announce the grand return of the Tirisfal Theatre Troupe!
Hello, folks! For those of you who remember me, it’s good to see you again! For those who don’t know, I am Lord Atos Sunhart. Writer, director, and producer of the Tirisfal Theatre Troupe, a group that come this October turns 10 years old. We were founded during the events of the Siege of Orgrimmar, and have long been a part of the Wyrmrest Accord community, putting on plays, performances, and parties for all to enjoy. Though we vanished not long after Shadowlands began, we’re here to give another earnest try in doing what we do best: bringing joy and fun to the world of Azeroth through story, scene and song.
Tomorrow evening (as of this posting), we’ll be putting on brief but stellar fireworks display in the Valley of Honor in Orgrimmar, both in celebration of brewfest, as well as a way of letting the good folks of our community know we have returned to perform for you once more!
After the show, please stick around for a few exciting announcements about our upcoming endeavors, and meet the small but capable crew putting things together.
For now, this is a Horde focused event, but don’t worry Alliance - times have changed, and we’re looking forward to doing things for you as well. In the meantime, maybe make a Horde alt to watch the show on!
We’ll see you all tomorrow, and we hope you enjoy the show!