[H] <Envelop> 3/8M | 8/8H - Team IF | 2 Day | Mythic Raiding

:busts_in_silhouette: Guild: Envelop
:speech_balloon: Team Name: Inventory Full
:globe_with_meridians: Realm: Illidan

:calendar: Schedule:
Tuesdays & Wednesdays (7:00- 10:00p CST) Realm Time

:crossed_swords: Progression Type:
AOTC & Mythic

:dizzy: CURRENT PROGRESSION : 8/8H; 3/8M

Inventory Full is a newly formed team with founding members who have previously been pushing mythic content. Our goal is to have a fun raiding environment while pushing to achieve Cutting Edge in Dragonflight. The team is looking to add new members who are reliable with either proven mythic experience or the skill and ability to rise to the challenge of mythic raiding.

Current Needs:

We update our needs on our team website listed below. That said we are always interested in exceptional players, so even if we don’t have your spec listed, feel free to apply anyway and we will consider your application.

How to Apply:

If this all sounds good, check us out and apply!
