Enshadowed - US THRALL [H]
Raid Days/Times:
Tuesday and Thursday: 8:00pm - 11:00pm (EST)
Contact Info:
Bnet - Ree#1799, DISCORD: Kayliee#7155 - Mrigloo#1308, DISCORD: gloostix{Balls}#7934
Enshadowed-US-Thrall is a progression raiding guild, formed on US-Wildhammer in 2008. We are made up of players with a variety of experience in WoW, from vanilla to new players and most of us have been playing together in the same guild since it’s creation.
RAIDING >>>>>>
**OUR CURRENT NEEDS: INVESTED players/raiders - this means you are looking to raid and do keys, be an ACTIVE member of the guild who does things “with the guild”.
DPS - Classes that are a bonus, Mage, Spriest, Rogue, DK, Balance Druid - but all are welcome to apply. DPS who can flex heals and vise versa are always welcome.
HEALS - Currently looking for a Resto Druid and Resto Shaman, but other classes may apply.
People looking for a new home and want to make friends and allies are a bonus. We want you to be “part” of the guild not a raid logger or solo player. Be part of OUR discord., socialize etc. We are also an older crowd so understand family is important.
- Knowledge of class/fights and prepared for the raid
- Communication
- 80% attendance & punctuality & accountability for raids
- Progression Mindset, and a team player, includes ability to take constructive criticism
- Willing to participate in Keys.
Raid loggers need not apply.
Mythic Plus is a BIG part of our guild content so we would love more DPS, Tanks & healers who want to push keys. Being dual specced and having the ability to tank or heal is a HUGE, HUGE plus. Want to push high keys? So do we and have plenty of people that do. We push toward attaining KSM every tier for guildies who want it “as a guild”.
There are no specific requirements for players who do not wish to raid. If you wish to pvp, do achievements, gather mats to your hearts content you can have a home here.
Are you an “altoholic” (we have tons of those), no problem.~ All we ask as that you be inclusive, nice, and mature. Returning players, Mythic Plus Busters and anyone looking for a home is also welcome to join and be part of our community.
Want to know more! Just ask us!