Enraged Outcasts - Loot Council - 10/14 Ulduar 25 Man
Doing Ulduar 10 Man Runs & We will be pushing 10/25 Hardmodes as well.
About Us
We’re a guild that formed towards the end of TBC with a strong core. Since the first week of Naxx we’ve farmed all the content up to date and still helping people get achievements from Naxx, OS 3D, and Maly. We’re friendly and outgoing but when raid time kicks in we expect people to be on the top of their game and listening to the Raid leader.
Raid Time:
Core Raids:
Friday & Saturday 9PM-12AM Server Time.
Optional Ulduar 10 Man Raids:
Team 1: Sunday 7:30PM Server
Team 2: TBD Soon.
Ulduar 10 Mans are reserved for our Core Raiders first.
• 80% Attendance Policy to be met.
• Knowing the fights before raid time.
• Being properly gemmed and Enchanted, coming with raid consumables is a must.
• Knowledge of your class and how it’s played
• Signing up for raid on Discord each week.
What we need
Below is a list of Classes we’re looking for. However, if your class is not listed we’re accepting applications from all experienced raiders…
High Priority
Rogue - Combat
Warlock - Demonology
Warlock - Affliction
Paladin - Retribution
Above are all available core spots. Looking for people who know their class and are geared and ready to raid. To be considered for a Core spot must be 4k+ GS or close to it and perform well.
Guild Bank
The guild provides Gems and Enchants to its raiders as well as Flasks for raids each week. This doesn’t include potions.
If interested contact me through the contacts listed below.
Discord - RhiTexxy#0168
Bnet - RhiTexxy#1511