[H] <Edgelords> 10/10N 2/10H, Tues/Thurs 7:30 - 10:30 EST

Hello! Edgelords is recruiting for Heroic and Mythic Nathria progression. We are currently recruiting all roles.
The guild was formed by a group of friends who got tired of PUGs and want a decent group of people to raid and push keys with. Many of us also PvP.

Our raid times are Tues/Thurs, 7:30 - 10:30 PM EST.
Our core can clear Normal very easily, looking to recruit more for pushing Heroic.

Respond to this thread if you are interested.
Thank you.

Hello! My friend and I are looking for a guild to join. I am a paladin and he is a DK. I’m currently prot but can switch to holy or ret if needed. He is DPS with offspec of tank. Your time lines up nicely with our schedule. Can we talk in Discord further?

You can add me on discord, Rushinko#7867