Dusk to Dawn is a late night raiding guild on Mal’Ganis looking to recruit members to our raid team. We raid Tues/Weds/Thurs/ from 11:00 server to 1:00 server (Central). We are actively looking to recruit the following roles, but are interested in generally skillful players:
- Enhancement Shaman
- Windwalker Monk
- Warlock
- Shadow Priest
- Boomkin
- DPS Warrior
- Resto Shaman
- Ele Shaman
- Brewmaster Monk
- Protection Warrior
- Melee DPS
- Healers
In addition to raiding, we have many members that push keys in guild groups and PUGs, many KSMs and a few folks that push 20+ keys. If you’re interested in applying, please reach leave a response here, message me on discord at Razariel#0870, or message me on my battletag Razariel#1434.