About Us
Dragonite was established on Day 1 of classic launch date. We have established ourselves as a guild that has honor and pride in what we do. We always try to show kindness and respect towards others on this server. You will be joining a team that is coming together now with the unifying factor of completing content in The Burning Crusade. What we ask of you is nothing less then what we have already done for this guild, just do your best.
Our members are mostly working age adults. We are most active in the evenings where you can expect to see dungeon runs and other small group activities.
Raid Philosophy
This is probably one of the more casual raids on the server. We are more concerned with creating a pleasant environment for our members than one-shotting every boss the first week out. We prioritize exceptional attitudes over exceptional skill levels.
Raid Schedule
Raid times are at 7:00 server time with a run time of 3.5 hours per night during progression. Invites start at 6:45 server. Kara, Mags, & Gruuls Layer.
Core raiding positions that are needed
Looking for the following classes and specs:
-1 Rogue -
-1 Shadow Priest -
-1 Warlock -
-1 Holy Priest -
-1 Disc Priest -
-1 Resto Shaman -
-1 Hunter -
Loot system
Dragonite uses a EPGP loot system when raiding.
EPGP is a fair system, the points decrease each week, but they also go up when you participate in guild activities. KARA is not on the EPGP list for gear, but we do award some points for showing up and finishing the raid.
For more information or an invite, you may message any officer directly through Discord or in game.
Dunkindonutz – officer - Meshugeneh#9349 (Discord)
Blendicus / Pallybgood - Officer -