[H] DPS Warrior&Evoker healer LF 2/1 day heroic or casual mythic raiding guild

We’re both active players with CE/Mythic raiding experience (got CE the past 4 tiers, last one ending up top 150 US), looking to take a break from super hardcore raiding and join a fun focused guild that can still slay some bosses.

Both of us would prefer not to raid past 11:30PM EST [Any day works tho!]




I can also play Resto shaman If needed, however its not as geared as my Evoker

Still looking ;]

Day Raiders is a new guild starting our first vault run December 21/22 8-11AM EST. We are doing mythic + currently. If you would like to talk about what we are doing message me.
BN Jolenar#11150
Discord Ryaden#5511

Heya Deathlind, Problematic is a group of middle aged delinquents seasoned players looking to get an early and fairly painless AOTC and then move into Mythic for the rest of the patch. If you want to raid on Wednesday and Thursday 7-9 PST, feel free to reach out to Wedgezilla#1953 (Battle Net) Crunx#2635 (Discord) or read up about us on the Hyjal forum.