Dovakhinn is looking for a few more players to help shore up our roster for 10.1. After getting CE in VOTI our current goal is to get CE in 10.1 but also improve upon our ranking. If your looking for a guild that wants to push content and get CE every tier, Dovahkiin might be the guild for you.
We raid Tuesdays, Wednesday, and Thursdays from 7:30 PM to 10:30 PM CST.
We use RC Loot Council for distributing loot.
High Priority
-Havoc Demon Hunter
-DPS Death Knight
-Elemental Shaman
-Holy Paladin
Medium Priority
All other dps
Exceptional players of all classes and roles are still encouraged to apply.
-Previous raiding experience
-DBM/Weakauras/ RC Loot Council
-Able to accept criticism and be willing to improve
Contact Info
If you’re interested in applying send a message to one of the officers.
Dalada: Dundi#9347 (Discord)