[H] <Dont Tease Me Bro> Community LF weekend Raiders for awakened

Guild & Server: DTMB Cross Faction Area52
Raid Times/Days: Fri/Sat 8:30 PM -11:30 PM EST
Current Progression: 1/9M ATDH, 45% igira
Recruitment Contacts: - Nabalicious: Btag - Mooney#12761, Discord - Mooney#4629 (GM) - Rexinarr: Bnet - Rexinar#1334, Discord - Rexinar#4338 (RCloot Officer) - Reydravanar: Btag xWaffles#1384 Discord: xrawflewaffle (Co Lead 2nd Team)

Requirements: It is expected that all community members come prepared with necessary add-ons, suitable gear, comprehensive knowledge of encounters, and the appropriate consumables. We seek individuals who are receptive to feedback, both positive and constructive. It is important to demonstrate a strong drive to continuously improve gameplay, both during raid trial sessions and in the long run.
Needs: Looking to fill 5 dps and 2 healer spots. We encourage all exceptional players to apply.

Best way to reach us is Via Btag/Discord for faster responses.