I’m the Kekthelock, an officer in Donkey Brains, and we are looking for some rough cowboys to fill out our roster going into the upcoming Phase 2. We aren’t a sweaty, hardcore guild where pushing world/realm first is the goal. The goal is to clear content in a timely manner where we don’t sacrifice fun for the kill. In essence, we want to kill stuff and have a good time.
Everyone should reach out as we have 2 independent teams (one for morning and one for late night) so there is always someone to run a dungeon with or help with a quest
In specifics, We are looking for a:
Enhancement Shaman
For our 25 mans that run T/Th 11:59pm-3am (Wednesday might be added during progression)
I’ve added our discord code in on the bottom of the post if you would like more information.
And our tagline is “Going deep while others sleep”
GM: Webley#4182
Raid Lead: Super#7927
Me: Kekthelock#6423